How To Use A Fire Extinguisher
Whether you have a fire extinguisher in your home or the workplace, it is of vital importance to understand the best ways to operate one correctly in the event of a fire. You should keep in mind, that even small fires can be a substantial threat and source of danger to life and home. Remember that if you come across the fire and have any doubts in regards to stopping it, go out and call the fire brigade immediately. Never risk your life or the lives of others with fire. This is why you need to understand how to use a fire extinguisher properly.
Remembering How To Use A Fire Extinguisher P.A.S.S
The most convenient method to find out ways to use a fire extinguisher is to memorise the acronym P.A.S.S. and memorise the significance of each letter. The following list will offer you with the meanings of each letter:
P – The first letter to remember is “P”. This suggests to the user to pull the pin. Pulling the pin is the initial step in the process and is essential to the effective execution of fire extinguishers.
A – The “A” represents Aim. This informs the user to aim the fire extinguisher nozzle towards the base of the flames.
S – The very first “S” means Capture. This encourages the user to squeeze the trigger while preserving the extinguisher in an upright position.
S – The last “S” means Sweep. The user will then sweep the extinguisher from side to side ensuring to cover the location of the fire.
Keeping in mind the word PASS can conserve the life of you or someone you like.
Having a fire extinguisher for your home is an excellent idea. Nevertheless, the place of your extinguisher is an identifying factor in whether or not it will work. You need to keep your extinguisher in a location which is close to where a fire is likely to occur. Such as kitchens, near fireplaces, garages.
Do not keep your fire extinguisher near your range. Your stove is a prime target for fires and must a fire break out near your oven; you will want to have the ability to access your extinguisher. It’s also recommended that you keep your extinguisher near an exit so you can leave it the fire ends up being too big.
You should not use a fire extinguisher if you have any doubt about what it is that is on fire. This is because all extinguishers are created for certain classes of fire, and some fire can only be put out safely with an expert extinguisher. An excellent example of how this could go seriously incorrect would be if you were to utilise a water extinguisher on fire including electrical devices. This could lead to an electrical shock and extremely major repercussions.